3M 9502 Folding N95 Facepieces

3M 9502 Folding N95 Facepieces: The Ultimate Combination of Cost-Effectiveness, Performance, and Security


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of face masks in protecting ourselves and others from the virus. As the world turns to face masks to combat the pandemic, it is essential to have high-quality products that deliver the necessary protection and comfort. One of the most trusted brands in the market, 3M, has introduced the 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece, which has been designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals and the general public alike.

Key Features and Benefits

3M 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece: A Trusted and Efficient Solution

The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is designed to provide wearers with an unparalleled level of comfort, security, and performance. With its advanced filtering capabilities, this mask is an ideal choice for those who require the highest level of protection.

Here are some of the key features and benefits of the 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece:

1. Foldable Design: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is designed to be foldable, making it an ideal choice for those who need to carry it in their bag or pocket. This feature not only adds convenience but also helps reduce the risk of the virus spreading.
2. High-Performance Filter: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is equipped with a high-performance filter that is designed to capture 95% of airborne particles, making it an effective barrier against the virus. The filter is designed to last for an entire year, providing wearers with consistent protection.
3. Multi-Stage Filter: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece features a 3-stage filter system that includes a pre-filter, a middle filter, and a disposable filter. This multi-stage filter system provides wearers with the ultimate level of protection against various particles and bacteria.
4. Secure fit: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is designed to provide a secure fit, ensuring that the mask does not fall off during use. This feature is especially important for those who are wearing the mask for extended periods, such as healthcare professionals.
5. Easy to use: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is designed to be easy to use, even for those who are not familiar with the N95 respirator mask. The simple and straightforward design makes it an ideal choice for those who need to be protected from the virus without any hassle.
6. Affordable price: With its high-quality construction and advanced features, the 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is an affordable choice for those who need to be protected from the virus. The cost-effectiveness of this mask makes it an excellent investment for those who want the best protection without breaking the bank.
7. Durable and value for money: The 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece is designed to last for an entire year, providing wearers with the ultimate level of protection. The high-quality construction and advanced features ensure that the mask is durable and can withstand the test of time.


In conclusion, the 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece by 3M is an excellent choice for those who require the highest level of protection against the virus. Its advanced features, including a high-performance filter, multi-stage filter system, and secure fit, make it an ideal choice for those who are serious about their personal health and safety. The affordability and durability of this mask make it an excellent investment for those who want the best protection without breaking the bank. So, if you’re looking for a reliable and efficient solution to protect yourself and your loved ones from the virus, the 9502 N95 Folding Facepiece by 3M is the perfect choice.
3m 9502 folding n95 facepieces with high cost performance

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