N95 Face Mask: The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask with Valve description

N95 Face Mask: The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask with Valve

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, face masks have become an essential commodity. The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask with Valve is a popular choice for dental professionals and those looking to protect themselves from the virus.

About the Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask

Shining Star Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is the manufacturer of the Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask. The mask is designed to provide a high level of protection while also being easy to use and affordable. The mask features a CE certification, making it compliant with European Union regulations.

The N95masks???

The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask is designed to provide a number of benefits, including:

1.95mm filter efficiency

The mask features a 95mm filter efficiency, which means it is designed to capture at least 95% of particles 0.3 microns and larger. This makes it an effective barrier against the virus and other particles.

Valve included

The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask comes with a built-in valve. This valve allows users to easily breathe through the mask, which is especially important for those who are experiencing shortness of breath or other respiratory issues.

Ease of use and affordability

The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask is designed to be easy to use and affordable. The mask is made from non-woven materials, which are known for their breathability and comfort. The price point is set at an affordable price, making it an accessible option for everyone.


The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask is designed to be streamlined and visually appealing. The mask features a simple and modern design, with a color that matches most professional attire. The valve is located at the center of the mask, making it easy to access.


The Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask with Valve is an effective and affordable option for dental professionals and those looking to protect themselves from the virus. With its 95mm filter efficiency, built-in valve, and affordable price, the Shining Star SS9001V N95 Mask is a great choice for anyone looking for a high-quality face mask.
mask shining star

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