N95 Face Mask: The Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, wearing face masks has become a crucial aspect of our daily lives. The N95 face mask is one of the most popular and effective solutions for protecting ourselves and others from the virus. If you’re looking for an N95 face mask that is reliable, comfortable, and easy to use, the Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask is a great option.
Certification and Compliance
The Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask is certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as an N95masks.它还通过了欧洲标准EN149:2001+A1:2009的认证,具有FFP1,FFP2和FFP3级别.这意味着它能够有效地filter空气中的95%的颗粒物,包括bacteria,viruses和其他微粒.
Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask采用Shining Star Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.生产的高质量材料制成,包括医用级别医用硅胶和成人面部贴合材料.masks采用杯状设计,能够贴合面部,并采用金属鼻夹和海绵鼻垫,确保舒适度和密封性.
此外,该masks还具有防雾功能,可以减少佩戴masks时的不适感和breathing困难. Sponge Nose Pad
与其他N95masks相比,Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask的价格较为亲民,保证较高的性价比.同时,它也适用于不同年龄段和脸型的人群,是一个非常实用和经济的N95masks选择.
Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask的filter效果得到了严格的验证和测试,确保您可以放心地使用它来保护自己和他人的健康.它还符合NIOSH的认证,是一种高度可靠和安全的N95masks.
Shining Star SS9001 N95 Cup Mask是一种高品质,高效能,价格实惠的N95masks,适用于不同年龄段和脸型的人群.它通过了NIOSH的认证,是一种高度可靠和安全的N95masks,可以为您提供高效的防护,让您可以放心地享受日常生活.
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